EXCLUSIVE: The Real Patriarchy and Dystopian Nightmare The Left Can’t See


Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.

On June 24th, 2022, an event occurred that I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. Roe v. Wade was overturned.

While many people are extremely elated and so grateful for this decision—the decision to save innocent lives—many others are not. 

One of the most disturbing reactions I’ve seen to Roe v. Wade being overturned is of companies virtue-signaling that they will be paying for women to get abortions, whether that be paying for transportation to the abortion or the actual procedure.

What is more dystopian and oppressive to women than offering to kill their baby so they can keep working for you? To kill a child so a woman can continue to be another low-wage cog in the soulless machine that is the company.

Maybe, just maybe, it’s because they don’t care about women and their “rights” at all. Perhaps their motive is simply to avoid paying for extended time off work, to line their pockets, and to keep women slaving away in the dull grind of day-to-day work. It’s much easier to kill off a baby than to pay for her maternity leave. It’s easier to continue to keep the company’s best interest in mind and not the woman’s or the child’s.

Activists cry out against systemic oppression against women; well, this seems pretty oppressive to me. And not merely oppressive, but actually dystopian, yet many are applauding these companies.

Truly, what an upside-down world we live in.

This is another way to act like you are empowering women while erasing what makes women unique. To sell them the lie that they are only empowered when working for someone. To sell them the lie that a child will set you back. To sell them the lie that they are only valuable and seen as useful when it’s with a company or outside the home. To sell the lie that you can’t be both a mom and work.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, many states immediately announced that they would make abortion illegal. Some of these states include Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, and South Dakota. 

The companies, with a presence in those states, also quickly announced that if you lived in a state where you could not easily kill your baby, they would help you to travel out of the state and pay for you to do so.

Here is a list of most of the companies that have said they will pay for the expenses necessary for a woman to obtain an abortion out-of-state:

Amazon, Bank of America, Bumble, BuzzFeed, Cigna, Citigroup, CNN, Comcast, Condé Nast, CVS Health, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Estee Lauder, Goldman Sachs Group, Hewlett-Packard, IKEA US, JPMorgan Chase, Kroger, New York Times, Lyft, Match Group, MasterCard, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Paramount, Patagonia, PayPal, Procter & Gamble, Salesforce, Starbucks, Target, Tesla, Uber, Vox Media, Walk Disney, Yelp, Yahoo, Zendesk, and Zillow.

These companies are adding what they call “critical healthcare” packages to their employees’ benefits.

The Hill shared what some companies will be offering their employees:

  • Dick’s Sporting Goods is reimbursing employees $4,000 in travel expenses.
  • Amazon will also provide $4,000 for travel expenses outside of 100 miles of an employee’s home.
  • Starbucks will reimburse all abortion travel expenses not available within 100 miles
  • Yelp will pay for travel costs
  • Microsoft will reimburse employees for travel expenses related to an abortion
  • Apple will cover all travel expenses
  • Netflix will pay up to $10,000 for travel reimbursement for abortions
  • Tesla pays for travel and lodging for employees who get an abortion outside their home state.

There is, however, a company in Texas, Buffer Insurance, is supporting women and families.

The Texas-based company vowed to offer maternity and paternity leave to employees who have children, as well as cover the costs of their female employees giving birth. The company also promised to help out employees seeking to adopt children.

“Secular companies are paying the travel costs for employees to abort babies out-of state,” Buffer wrote in a Facebook post. “Today we are announcing that Buffer will pay the costs for our employees who birth babies.”

“Employers: If you’d like to learn how you can provide these benefits to your employees, let us know. We have ready-to-use policies you can add to your employee handbooks,” the company continued.

To me, the real dystopian nightmare is not one where women have children and step into how God has created them to be. No, the real dystopian and patriarchal nightmare is one where companies and men force you to believe a lie and murder your child for them. The real nightmare is not seeing that an unborn child is a living, breathing human being. 

This is a picture of a baby at 12-weeks in its mother’s womb. At this stage it can open and close its fingers, it is approximately 2 inches long, it will react if you press against it, and all its important systems and parts are basically done developing.


I read a very well-written article by Caitlin Flanagan of the Atlantic, and this quote struck me:

“The argument for abortion requires many words. The argument against doesn’t even take a single word.”

Pro-abortion advocates will talk of the injustice to women, and how it is “their body, their choice”. I do not turn away from the injustices to women, I see them very clearly. Yet, I can’t seem to think of how an injustice done to one being begets another injustice, namely, to kill a being that has no voice.

The real nightmare is thinking your worth is in what you do, and not in who God has uniquely made you to be. The real nightmare is screeching on government building steps because you can’t sacrifice your baby to Moloch anymore.

Activist covered in fake blood at a rally against Trump. Her shirt says “Abortion on demand and without apology”.
 | NurPhoto/SIPA USA/PA Images 2018. All rights reserved.

Oh, and let’s not even get started on what a woman is because apparently, they know what that is now after Roe was overturned. 

Pray for this country. Pray for women to be valued as God intended. Pray for men to step up. Pray for The Lord to protect innocent lives. Pray for The Lord to forgive our nation, for killing his precious creations. Be compassionate to those who disagree with you. But never stop sharing the truth of LIFE.

As Dr. Seuss would say, “A person’s a person no matter how small.”

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