“Its Time You’re Elected Out Of Office” – Liz Cheney Gets RUDE AWAKENING Moving Into Mid Term – Top Republicans Support Challenger

Photo Credit: https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_nbcnews-fp-1200-630,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_19/3471991/cheneystefanik-2×1.jpg

In a time when the radical left has completely abandoned all of their core principles in order to support an Anti-American globalist agenda that includes open borders, expansion of government, ending of free speech, the attack on our second amendment and support of the defunding the police movement, the Republican Party has become America’s last chance to preserve the greatest that is the American experiment.

That being said, patriots that elect its officials in the GOP expect these leaders to fight back against the radical left’s attempt to destroy our country from within, however, in recent years a small minority of Anti-Trump Republicans has come into the spot light for their opposition of the America First agenda that was established under the Trump Administration; this small group is of course known as RINOS (Republicans in Name Only).

When the term RINO comes to mind, the two so called ‘Republicans’ that instantly come into mind are Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, both of which who have gained a reputation for betraying the very people who elected to them in order to kiss ass to the mainstream media and the Democrat Party.

This has caused the Republican Party to start a movement to rid itself of RINOs in support for America First candidates.

According to the New York Post “The Wyoming Republican Party has voted to no longer recognize GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney as a member due to her repeated criticism of former President Donald Trump. The party’s central committee voted 31-29 over the weekend to take the step against Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

In February, the same body overwhelmingly voted to censure the congresswoman after she voted to impeach Trump on an article of incitement of insurrection in connection with the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.””

More recently, Republicans are starting to support Cheney’s opposition. According to the Conservative Brief, “New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik is speaking out against Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, saying “it’s time” that she was voted out of office. Stefanik said she endorsed Cheney’s primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, for the upcoming GOP primary in Wyoming.”

Stefanik went on to say “It was very clear that Liz Cheney lost the support of her colleagues in Congress by epic proportions just like she’s going to lose the support of her constituents in Wyoming”.

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