Dems Freak Out: Pro-Trump Actor Tim Allen Breaks Silence On Critics Of His Anti-Biden Joke, “I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, I wanna grow up to be a critic”


Disclaimer:  This article may contain the personal views & opinions of the author. 

If there is one thing that Democrat can be counted on to do, it is to freak out over, let’s call it, nothing. This is echoed with double and, perhaps, triple force when their great orange skinned boogeyman, Donald Trump, is mentioned. This outbreak of neurotic hatred that seems to border on the medical, works toxicly well in tandem with the often commented upon culture of cancel. Both these sentiments converge recently after a joke that poked fun at President Joe Biden that was made by Republican Tim Allen has, predictably, caused some controversy.

It is now being reported that:

Comedy legend Tim Allen shut down critics outraged he mocked Joe Biden after the president had another awful interview where multiple statements had to be walked back later by staff. The left was full of its patented fake outrage and let Tim have it on social media.

Tim’s original joke is as funny as it is simple. He said: “Biden was on 60 minutes. I heard he asked how long the show was.” After the backlash, Tim silenced his critics with the perfect comeback:

“I started my 35 year stand up career because of genius’s like the man who said: “I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, I wanna grow up to be a critic.” – Richard Pryor”

It wasn’t just Tim who sounded the alarm about Biden’s interview.

CBS News anchor Norah O’Donnell and senior White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe were confused by the flubs.

NORAH O’DONNELL: Well, there is fallout tonight after President Biden’s interview with 60 Minutes, comments he made about the pandemic, led stocks of three COVID vaccine makers to plunge, shares falling as much as 9 percent. CBS’s Ed O’Keefe reports from the White House. 

ED O’KEEFE: President Biden’s conclusion on 60 Minutes Sunday that the COVID pandemic has ended prompted push-back from health experts and clarifications from top officials. 

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID, we’re still doing a lot of work on it, but the pandemic is over. 

NPR went on to report that:

“If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it’s changing.”

The president’s comments come as public health officials are trying to convince Americans to get a new booster shot, and as the White House has worked unsuccessfully for months to convince Congress to provide more than $22 billion in new funding for the COVID-19 response. Since Sunday night, Republicans have already used his words to question vaccine mandates that are still in place for the nation’s military and other federally funded programs.

At the same time, nearly 400 Americans are dying each day of COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Multiple public health experts called Biden’s remarks “unfortunate.”

“When you have the president of the U.S. saying the pandemic is over, why would people line up for their boosters? Why would Congress allocate additional funding for these other strategies and tools?” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an epidemiologist and senior fellow with the Kaiser Family Foundation. “I am profoundly disappointed. I think this is a real lack of leadership.”

These are of course only the latest buffet of flubs and gaffes on offer to the American public from Joe Biden. In fact, we reported in the middle of July that even President Obama has had his doubt’s about Biden’s mental capacity. We reported that an email surface from Obama criticizing Biden’s“crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes”. The litany of gaffes was also noticed by Elon Musk. In fact, also in July, we reported that Musk sent out a tweet after Biden read his teleprompter and literally said the phrase “repeat the line”, that “Whoever controls the teleprompter is the real President!”

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