Washington Post Columnist Weighs In: Biden Should Drop Kamala

The communist Democrats are now sensing trouble in Biden’s ‘paradise’ as even left-funded legacy media are voicing concerns about the current Democratic Party lineup for November. The American people know for a fact how stupid and incompetent VP Kamala Harris is, a perfect reflection of Crooked Joe’s presidency. So now, they’re hinting at replacing her with a cold-blooded murderer, Hillary Clinton.

Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer awardee Kathleen Parker suggests that creepy Joe’s poll would perform better if he dropped Harris off the ticket and replaced her with another dumbass.

Parker seriously believes that losing Hillary would pull Joe Biden from his quagmire of defeat under former President Donald Trump.

Parker theorizes that the former secretary of state would take the US out of its “old-white-men dilemma.”

“No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden as far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton?” Parker wrote in her latest article.

The columnist pressed that Biden has been struggling recently, being the oldest president in US history at 81 years old. She added that Biden was in a “steady decline the past few years” and cited that this was worsened by “his stumbles, his search for words, and his occasional blank stare, ” which was “impossible to ignore.”

Harris also received backlash for her lack of experience, unprofessionalism, and lousy performance, especially on immigration woes. For Parker, these factors discourage voters, as she was one accident away from the presidency should Biden need to resign from office.

“Inarguably, a significant obstacle to a Biden win is Kamala Harris, whose low popularity has not been improved by her lackluster performance as vice president.”

The Washington Post columnist further remarked that voters reject Harris “not because of her sex, race, or any other demographic category, but because of her competency, or lack thereof.”

A recent poll by Politico/Morning Consult reflected that only 34 percent of voters believe that Harris could win the elections, and an overwhelming 57 percent noted that it is not likely.

In addition to this, only 40 percent of the respondents thought she would be a good president, while 51 percent said she did not.

However, brainwashed Democrats seem more confused now than ever, as they struggle between calling to replace Kamala or retaining her on the ticket.

According to the survey, 36 percent think Biden should substitute her with another prominent Democrat, while 39 percent say Biden should keep her on his ticket.

Unhinged Harris also suffers a plunge in job approval rating, with only 37 percent based on a recent survey by Redfield and Wilton Strategies.

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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