US Surgeon General Called Public Health Crisis on ‘Gun Violence’

The corrupt Democratic Party destroys everything that gets in their way. With them in the helm of power, every fiber of our great institutions is weaponized to attack their opponents. They indoctrinate woke ideology and DEI crap to impose policies that ultimately destroy the morals and principles of this country.

Under the banner of ‘moral crisis,’ Biden appointed US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued his first-ever public advisory. However, his statement isn’t about public health or the threat of another ‘pandemic.’

His statement is mind-blowing because it’s so out of touch and so beyond him. It seems stupid liberals are now pushing their ‘gun control’ narrative through Murthy.

On June 25, the surgeon general warned that firearm violence poses a threat to our health as a nation and well-being. Bravo.

He even stressed that this issue demands “immediate” and “decisive action.”

Video by Nicholas Pagnotta.
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By description, a surgeon general’s advisory should contain a public statement addressing the American people on urgent public health concerns and should be reserved for significant public health challenges that need immediate awareness and action.

For Murthy, it’s firearm violence.

In his video statement, he addressed the public: “Today, for the first time in the history of our office, I am issuing a Surgeon General’s Advisory on firearm violence.”

“It outlines the urgent threat firearm violence poses to the health and well-being of our country. As a doctor, I’ve seen the consequences of firearm violence up close and the lives of the patients that cared for over the years. These are moms and dads, sons and daughters, all of whom were robbed of their physical and mental health by senseless acts of violence.”

The surgeon general demands a wide-range gun control, an issue long quashed by the courts.

In his report, he cited the number of deaths and injuries caused by guns, especially among children.

However, what Murthy failed to include is how much the Biden government failed to address the proliferation of criminal incidents in the country, worsened by opening our borders and allowing terrorists to go in and out of America.

The National Rifle Association immediately tore Murthy’s claims and said that his advisory is “an extension of the Biden Administration’s war on law-abiding gun owners.”

Randy Kozuch, director of the NRA’s lobby arm, wrote on X, “America has a crime problem caused by criminals.”

Furthermore, this advisory is a blatant attack on people’s Second Amendment rights and could curtail people’s freedom if not enforced accordingly.

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

Now is the time to stand strong and support Donald Trump. Any form or amount of support counts! Send in your donations via the button below.

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