Train Wreck: ‘The View’ Co-Host Joy Behar’s Embarrassed On National TV After Absurd Attack Against DeSantis “I Live In Florida…

The View

Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.

One of the most ironically named people out there must be Joy Behar. The long time Co-Host of The View never quite seems more in her element than when she is vilifying conservatives on the show. Elsewhere, she went after Donald Trump, in more ways than one. She wrote a book, The Great Gasbag: An A-to-Z Study Guide to Surviving Trump World, a few years ago. However, she lately has had particular interest in the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. The oft-diagnosed Trump Derangement Syndrome does seem to be a little too… 2018.

She made an extremely stupid statement (one might add, in a very strong field). Journalist Nick Fondacaro put it succinctly, tweeting out that, Without evidence, Joy Behar claims Ron DeSantis thinks there are “good people” among Nazis. And despite the fact that DeSantis has denounced Nazism, has never supported it, and haters have staged hoax Nazi rallies in the past, The View is trying to tar and feather him with it.

You can watch her ridiculous comments here.

Behar bleated on her show that:

“Well, DeSantis could take his place and that’s just as bad. I mean, there was a — what do you call it? This Turning Point conference with all the smoke. What are they, smoking something down there? Or it’s, like — whatever. 

“Anyway, they were out there. Neo-Nazis were out there in the front of the conference with anti-Semitic slurs, and, you know, the Nazi swastika and a picture of a so-called Jewish person with exaggerated features. 

“Just like, like Goebbels did during the Third Reich. Right out of that same playbook, okay? And DeSantis did not say anything about it, nothing. 

“So it’s sort of his rendition of good people on both sides, same idea. So why trade a headache for an upset stomach? 

“Because that’s what’s going to happen if they get rid of Trump and put him in. It’s the same thing.”

Co-host Ana Navarro tried her best to save Joy from herself:

“I live in Florida.”

“As many issues as I have with DeSantis, I don’t think it’s the same thing because I don’t think DeSantis has been involved in promoting a coup against America and being part of the organization,” she said.

Fondacaro went on to tweet that Shockingly, Ana Navarro sort of defends DeSantis from Behar.”I don’t think Desantis has been involved in promoting a coup against America.” And bucking the narrative that he’s like Trump, she says “I think Donald Trump is in a class all by himself, thank God.”

Fondacaro went on in his tweet to say that Sara Haines was forced to read a legal note to share Turning Point USA’s condemnation of the Nazis. Whoopi falsely claims TPUSA “let them in” the event and “knew what they were” and called them “complicit.” In reality, the Nazis were outside the event on the sidewalk, not inside.

It would strike one as interesting that a show that holds itself as a diversity of views, would call itself THE View. It is noteworthy that THE View, as far as the show is concerned, is far-left. Any dissent from this view simply won’t be tolerated.

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