“This Has Been A Witch Hunt For Six Years”: Sen. Tim Scott Furious About FBI’s Raid, ”We’ve Got To Win The Majority, Sean, So That We Can…”

CBS News

Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.

On a Friday appearance on Fox’s “Hannity”, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) warned the FBI raid on former President Trump’s MAr-A-Lago home was at the least “overreach” and was also “devastating.”

Scott said that the best way forward is to win in November and to impanel an investigation.

The FBI raid on Trump’s home is unprecedented and has Americans concerned about the future of our country.

Many people are speculating that the raid was for more than just classified documents Trump allegedly had in his home.

Scott told Hannity, “Sean, this is absurd,” he said. Think about it. This has been a witch hunt for six years. Think about the Steele dossier, the Russia collusion, two failed impeachment attempts, and even more. I can’t imagine how anyone in our country doesn’t look at this with eyes of suspicion.

“There’s no question in my mind that this is an overreach at best and frankly, asking for a criminal warrant that gives you a space of time between August 5 and August 19 because they’re looking for national security-sensitive information,” Scott continued. “There’s nothing that comes to the conclusion that you would ever give someone two weeks to go through that process.”

“This is devastating,” he added. “We’re in unchartered waters. It is stunning to our country, and frankly, this is something we have to continue to dig into. We got to win the majority, Sean, so that we can actually go through the oversight in the majority of this process.”

Scott also app read on Fox’s “Kilmeade Show” and said he doesn’t believe the raid conducted on Trump’s estate was only about recovering presidential records.

“I cannot imagine that they are literally looking for something on the Presidential Records Act. There’s no way in the world that it’s only about that,” Scott said.

“That would be shocking, stunning, and unprecedented. The truth is, they continue to look for ways to literally put him in a corner and put the targets on him, it feels like to me,” 

Rep. Matt Gaetz has also spoken out about the FBI recently.

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He was on Steve Bannon’s podcast and told Bannon, “The antidote has to be not one more damn penny for this administrative state that has been weaponized against our people in a very fascist way,” said Gaetz. 

He added, “Taxpayer money shouldn’t fund any agency that targets its political opponents.” 

Some representatives have even called for defunding the FBI after the raid last Monday.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) tweeted “DEFUND THE FBI!” and is now selling apparel bearing the same slogan. 

South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan also said, “The FBI has proven time and again that it is corrupt to the core. At what point do we abolish the Bureau and start over?” 

Trump has said he invoked his Fifth Amendment rights, during his deposition as part of New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil investigation. He called it an “unfounded politically motivated Witch Hunt.”

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