Everything on All-Biden Imposed Rules on First Debate with Trump

The much-awaited debate in American history is on, and unsurprisingly, crooked Joe had to impose absurd rules just so Donald Trump could debate him. From restricting props and prohibiting audiences and notes to muted microphones, the list goes on.  Leading one to wonder what creepy Joe is hiding and why he needs all these rules before debating the former president. But President Trump is ready to take on the challenge.

The 90-minute debate will air on CNN on June 27 and will be the first time for both candidates to face each other since 2020. Biden is the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee (it seems this is the best they could find). On the other hand, Trump had to beat all the other GOP candidates in the primaries before clinching his position as the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party.

Organizers claimed these new rules are needed ‘to avoid a repeat of 2020’ debate chaos.

The debate will include two commercial breaks, but no campaign staff may interact with either candidate during the activity.

Both teams agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and positions will be determined by a coin flip. According to recent news, Biden won the historic coin-flipping match, making us all wonder if he flipped the coin himself.

The coin, which turned tails, allowed Biden to choose a podium position or the order of their closing remarks. Curiously, the incumbent chose the podium position option instead of securing the order of closing statements.

With his recent pick, Biden’s position will be on the right side of the debate stage, while Trump’s will be on the left.

Microphones will also be muted, except if it’s one of the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak.

No props and notecards are allowed, which is a disadvantage for Biden, who relied on notecards for most of his term as president.

No wonder Joe’s locked down on Camp David days prior to the event; we might be seeing a repeat of the State of the Union address where Biden ends up shouting at everybody.

“The bar is set so low for feeble Biden that all he has to do is show up and not keel over, and he will be applauded,” one media outlet quipped on all this debate rules hullabaloo.

Trump had demanded mandatory drug testing, although no confirmation has been released yet. The public demands this, and it would only be fair and transparent to both parties. However, it looked like it would never happen.

Audiences are also banned from the studio, which means that only the candidates, host Jake Tapper, and Dana Bash, as well as the TV crew, would be present inside the debate stage.

For Team Biden, audiences cause distraction, and they do not want their puppet distracted. Why? Because he may never go back on track.

Meanwhile, Trump thrives on live audiences, maximizing the opportunity to explain his platform and plans if reelected.

Additionally, there will be no opening statement. Both candidates will jump right into the questions with only two minutes to respond and one minute for rebuttals.

In his rally in Philadelphia, the former president quipped that the debate would be “like death.”

“There’s two of us and two of them—it’s like death,” Trump said.

“This could be the most boring or it could be quite exciting; who knows?”

Creepy Joe’s campaign team already got him locked and doing preps, which include standing up for 90 minutes (and probably getting shot up).

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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  1. Mike June 23, 2024
  2. Sally Frederick-Johnson June 25, 2024

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