Even Obama Knows: Biden Has Been Losing It; Scathing Private Email Reveals Obama Noticed  “…Crazy Statements And Concerning Mental Gaffes” 

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Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.

President Biden has long shown himself to be a gaffe machine. We recently reported that he read the words “repeat the line” out loud, instead of repeating the line they wanted him to emphasize. His full quote was, “End of quote. Repeat the line. Women are not without electoral…or political power.” We added that gait disorders, particularly stiffer, shortened, more asymmetric strides, such as we see with Biden, often are linked to dementia, which is why Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News he is concerned O’Connor’s report left out crucial information. “I don’t like that they ascribe his gait issues to a broken foot … This is not a fully characterized neurological assessment of somebody with a gait problem, and I want to know why.” 

It is now being reported that former President Barack Obama reprimanded his own former White House physician for criticizing Joe Biden’s cognitive health on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, according to a forthcoming book.

In his memoir “Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values,” Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, writes about a stern email from Obama about then-presidential candidate Biden’s “crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes” — a criticism he was uniquely qualified to make having served as the White House physician to Presidents George W. Bush, Obama and Donald Trump.

“Biden was on TV again, making crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes; he didn’t know what state he was in or what office he was campaigning for,” Jackson recalls of the 2020 campaign season. “He apparently thought at one point that he was running for the Senate and later couldn’t remember what state he was campaigning in. This had been going on for months and was getting worse.”

One will recall that for years, the media had accused Trump of being mentally unwell, and in 2018 many commentators mocked Jackson for saying that a cognitive evaluation Trump had taken showed he was in “excellent” mental shape and “had absolutely no cognitive or mental issues whatsoever.” 

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