“Almost Criminal”; Republican Congressman Harshly Criticizes Biden’s Handling of Immigration Crisis

At a rally held yesterday at the Capitol advocating for the liberation of Cuba from the clutches of its dreaded dictatorship, Floridian Republican Representative and former Mayor of Miami, Carlos Gimenez had a well-aimed snipe directed at President Biden over his handling on the question of illegal immigration.

Speaking with The Intercept’s Nicholas Ballasy, Gimenez thoughtfully called out the rampant hypocrisy on the part of the President after the DHS said that Cubans coming to America would be turned away as “…190,000 immigrants to come through the southern border”.

Gimenez launched, “They’re really far left extreme, a far-left extreme administration. People say, ‘Well, look, [Biden] talks like a centrist.’ I don’t care how the president talks. I care what the president does, and what the president is doing, especially at the southern border, is almost criminal,”.

Axios would agree with Gimenez on this point as they recently reported that over 50,000 migrants were released by ICE with no court date on the horizon.

This would seem to be an obvious pander on the part of Biden in the hopes that the migrants will become (perhaps mutate) into voters for the Democratic party.

Axios further reported that was only a paltry 6,700 migrants that had crossed the border over the last couple months between May and July that actually showed up to ICE offices. An additional 16,000 not only didn’t show up, but passed the 60-day window afforded to each migrant to report to ICE, translating to about 2.4 no-shows for every 1 that did show.

This does not strike one as progress in the area of controlling illegal immigration.

Gimenez hit the proverbial nail on the head by stating that what could be called common sense reform on the matter of illegal immigration could not be possible under and administration that isn’t only staunchly partisan, but also unclear as to just how partisan it is. Sharpening his point on the far-left tendency of the administration, he says, “That’s the problem with having an administration which says they’re centrist but they’re not really,” Gimenez said.

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