WHAT’S COOKING: Electoral Breaches in Virginia, Exposed

With only months away until the November election, crooked Democrats are now busy tinkering with automated voting systems and mail-in ballots, voting processes long found for their vulnerabilities. Recent reports also reveal fraud in states where Creepy Joe was declared winner, while whistleblowers are censored and tagged as ‘conspiracy theorists.’

As early as this month, poll watchers raised concerns about the election integrity in Lynchburg, where procedural breaches have been observed.

Video by Nicholas Pagnotta. Click the button below to follow him on Rumble!

Campaign staff for Peter Alexander and Chris Faraldi, candidates for the June 18th primary for City Council, alerted the media on a series of irregularities they have observed concerning the mail-in ballots and breaches in the chain of custody.

Poll watchers report that election staff prevented them from observing mail-in ballots processing, discovered ballot box seals were tampered and ballots counted without observers. They have released proof of fraud to support these statements.

“Election staff confirmed that it had been standard practice to allow the ballot drop box to be stuffed until Friday, which violates Virginia law.”

In addition to this, poll watchers were warned not to share these observations with the media during the Friday Election Board Emergency Meeting.

“Staff also stated the drop box was emptied Friday morning, but did not produce records documenting access to the drop box until nearly an hour after our observer requested receipts. It is still unclear how many ballots were collected from the drop box, and we may never know how many were stuffed in the drop box after the polls closed.”

The Lynchburg City Registrar refused to call the race, with incumbent Chris Faraldi holding a narrow lead against his opponent Peter Alexander.

Video by The Raging Patriot.

Poll watchers questioned why absentee ballot processing was allowed to proceed before allowing them to monitor the process. Meanwhile, both campaigns agreed that there had been irregularities during the June 18th Republican primary for Lynchburg.

Alexander and an observer also observed confusion between electoral board members and staff on the vote-counting process last Thursday, June 20.

They quipped, “Election staff informed us that electoral board member Steve Troxel pulled drop box bags from the precincts on Thursday morning after the primary.”

Moreover, Alexander’s campaign statement lamented that there was no proper documentation recording the number of ballots collected during the day of elections, and ballots were not counted on election night.

“On Friday, our observer was turned away from absentee ballot processing when it was scheduled to start at noon and asked to return 30 minutes later. Records show that ballot box seals were broken and absentee ballot processing started before our observer was permitted access to watch the process.”

“My opponent did not have any official observers present until after we raised concerns about the chain of custody of dropbox ballots.”

Alexander concluded, “Election staff confirmed that it had been standard practice to allow the ballot drop box to be stuffed until Friday, which violates Virginia law.”

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