Wall Street Journal: Trump Crushes Biden in Battleground States

President Donald Trump crushes Joe Biden’s election dreams as he continues to lead in battleground states, based on recent polling from The Wall Street Journal.

Trump is ahead of Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, while they tied in Wisconsin.

The result reflected other recent surveys, including the New York Times/Siena College polls, where Trump prevailed in six key swing states. This will give him more than 270 electoral votes, which is needed to win.

Among the survey highlights were Trump’s six-point lead in North Carolina and a five-point lead in Arizona

Sadly for Biden, despite pouring in tens of millions of dollars for early advertising and a vigorous campaign tour for the 81-year-old president, Wall Street Journal polls still found voters have irreversible views on his job performance, physical fitness and mental acuity, and economic stewardship.

President Trump leaves Biden trailing on almost every aspect of the presidency, except on Abortion and Democrats.

This remains true when Trump matches with third-party and independent candidates.

Especially in seven swing states, many voters approved of Trump’s performance in handling delicate issues like the economy and migration.

Respondents also expressed worry about Biden’s physical fitness; 48 percent think Trump is more fit to serve the next term.

CNN Political Analyst Harry Enten discussed this during his segment on Tuesday.

Enten noted that people trust Trump more than Biden, saying: “Look, Donald Trump is trusted more than Joe Biden in basically all the important issuesβ€”the economy, inflation, 20-point lead, immigration, border, 20-point lead, the Israel-Hamas war, 14-point lead, the Russia-Ukraine war, nine-point lead, protecting democracy, well within the margin of error, which I think is something that should worry the Biden camp, given that [he] has been harping and Democrats have been harping on this.”

Meanwhile, First Lady Jill Biden attempts to downplay the Wall Street Journal’s survey, insisting that Biden is not losing in swing states.

“No, he’s not losing in all the battleground states. He’s coming up.”

“And he’s even doing better.”

The first lady then asserted, “You know what? Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it’s obvious that Joe will win this election.”

The Real Clear Politics average also reflects Trump winning in every poll conducted in battleground states. The race in Wisconsin between him and Biden is tight, but Trump is winning by 0.6.

These show that Biden isn’t doing “better” or that it is “obvious” that he will outvote Trump in November. And therefore, Dr. Jill’s remarks are nothing but lies.

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  1. jarheadnamvet April 4, 2024

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