“The White House Notes He Will Now Return To Camp David”; Biden Turns Tail Immediately Following White House Speech On Afghanistan

In the aftermath of a plethora of crisis’ occurring both foreign and domestically, Biden was forced to give a press conference on Monday in regards to the situation in Afgahanistan.

In that press conference, Biden painted a small masterpiece of deflection and evasion, effectively blaming Trump for the conflict in Afghanistan. In that speech, Biden said, “When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor — which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces,” Biden said. “Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

The speech was also sandwiched between a blistering statement from Trump demanding that Biden “resign in disgrace”, on the back of his handling of Afghanistan, and the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calling for an investigation into Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. In fact, The Hill reports that the Republican has indicated that he will be moving forward with investigations to probe the failures of the Biden administration and both US and allied intelligence that led to the debacle. He wants to know what the intelligence community knew in the weeks and months ahead of Afghanistan’s collapse. 

Given the gravity and severity of the situation, it seems odd verging on suspicious that Biden would immediately run off back to Camp David following his speech. This has, let’s say alarmed, may people. Philip Melanchthon Wegmann, White House reporter with RealClearNews tweeted that “The president will now return to Camp David, the White House announces. “

Additionally, Conservative commentator Meghan McCain simply tweeted, “I don’t understand” in response. Shelby Talcott, Senior White House Correspondent with The Daily Called added that, “Pres. Biden just concluded his speech on Afghanistan, taking no questions afterwards. The White House notes he will now return to Camp David.”

Biden is certainly showing the cowardice of his convictions in absconding to Camp David in the nexus of a pressing foreign issue. That’s before we mention the border crisis and the COVID mandates on top of everything else.

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