SCOTUS Ruled U.S. Citizens Can’t Question Spouses’ Visa Denials

The United States Supreme Court keeps America from going astray as crooked Joe continues to wreak havoc on our country with stupid executive orders, allowing the full-on invasion of undocumented aliens by awarding them unlimited amnesty, work visas, and fast-track citizenship to ensure votes in November.

However, SCOTUS kept their guard and immediately blocked Biden’s lunacy.

In a 6-3 ruling, the justices of the highest court upheld the Congress’ power to impose immigration limits and Biden’s role to follow these orders.

According to the Supreme Court, US citizens do not have the constitutional right to bring their noncitizen spouses into the US.

The justices earlier ruled that illegals do not have the right under the Constitution to question their decision.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the majority’s opinion, “We hold that a citizen does not have a fundamental liberty interest in her noncitizen spouse being admitted to the country.”

The case stemmed from an appeal filed by Sandra Munoz, a US citizen who pressed that she has the right to sue to bring her undocumented husband, Luis Ascencio-Cordero, an El Salvador citizen, to the US.

But the State Department turned down his visa because of his links with the violent gang Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, based on his tattoos.

In general, migrants do not have the right to question their denials, but Cordero’s wife, Munoz, insisted that she had a right because the SCOTUS’ decision hindered her marriage rights.

However, Justice Barrett poured cold water on Munoz’s appeal, as she maintained that the law does not stretch that far.

“Munoz has suffered harm from the denial of Asencio-Cordero’s visa application, but that harm does not give her a constitutional right to participate in his consular process.”

Barrett furthered, “Here, Muñoz invokes the “fundamental right to marriage,” but she actually claims something more distinct: the right to reside with her noncitizen spouse in the United States. That involves more than marriage and more than spousal cohabitation—it includes the right to have her noncitizen husband enter (and remain in) the United States. As Muñoz asserts, she claims “a marital right . . . sufficiently important that it cannot be unduly burdened without procedural due process as to an inadmissibility finding that would block her from residing with her spouse in her country of citizenship.” So described, the asserted right is fundamental enough to be implicit in “liberty;” but, unlike other implied fundamental rights, its deprivation does not trigger strict scrutiny.”

The justices also emphasized that “the Ninth Circuit is the only Court of Appeals” who agreed on Munoz’s claims, “while every other Circuit to consider the issue has rejected it.”

Chief Justice John Roberts, as well as Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh, joined Barrett’s opinion, while Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote a separate concurring opinion.

This recent decision ultimately junks Biden’s executive order, which provides unlimited amnesty for undocumented illegals with partners who are US citizens.

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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