Democrats Should Be Worried About Losing A Senate Seat – Republicans May Pick Up Seat In Georgia After Research Shows Walker Has Lead Over Warnock In Potential Match-Up

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Georgia has the potential to determine who controls the United States Senate. According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, Herschel Walker, a former NFL star and Heisman Trophy winner, has not only 81 percent support for the Republican primary, but also a lead against Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock. Walker obtains 49 percent of the vote in a Georgia Senate race, while Warnock earns 48 percent. Warnock won a Senate special runoff election by two percentage points in 2021, and he is now considered one of the most vulnerable senators heading into the elections.

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Warnock had mixed reactions from voters, with 44 percent supporting him, 42 percent opposing him, and 13 percent stating they hadn’t heard enough about him. Walker receives 42% of the vote, 27% of the vote against him, and 30% who haven’t heard enough about him. “When asked to name the most significant issue affecting Georgia right now, inflation (23%) and election restrictions (22%) come in front, followed by COVID-19 (13%), and crime (12%).” (Eleven percent). “The most major concerns among Republicans are inflation (34%), election rules (18%), and criminality” (16 percent). According to the polling agency, “the most critical concerns among Democrats are election restrictions (31%), COVID-19 (19%), inflation (9%), and racial unfairness (9%).”

Walker has raised more than $10 million with Donald Trump’s support in his bid to beat Warnock in the November midterm elections. Walker’s campaign manager, Scott Paradise, stated that “this extraordinary money grab, maybe the greatest in the country for a non-incumbent, demonstrates that Georgia Republicans are completely unified behind Herschel Walker and are ready to take on Sen. Warnock.” Walker’s ascension to the leadership of Georgia’s Republican Party began months before he declared his candidacy. In March, when Donald Trump pushed him to run for president, his popularity skyrocketed. According to a Trafalgar Group poll, Walker, who has never stood for political office, would defeat Warnock.

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