Majority of GOP Voters Still Want Trump, Even if Convicted

A Trump supporter chants “U.S.A.” at anti-Trump protesters while waiting in line Friday to attend the president’s rally in Londonderry, New Hampshire. JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP

According to a recent poll, the majority of registered voters who attended the Republican Iowa caucuses remarked that they would still back former President Trump even if he was found guilty in any of his four criminal charges.

In the NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll conducted in Iowa, 63% of GOP caucus attendees commented that their support for the former president would not change if the courts found him guilty of a crime before the general election in November, as reported by NBC News.

Additionally, at least 66 percent think Biden did not legitimately win the presidency in 2020.

Those who are less likely to vote for Trump in 2024 if convicted were those caucus-goers who were supporting GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

Supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reported that 70% of them did not think a Trump conviction would affect the outcome of the general election, while 26% said it would decrease their likelihood of voting for him.

A conviction would not alter the opinions of over 60% of Trump supporters at the Iowa Caucuses, but 35% indicated it would increase their likelihood of voting for the candidate in November.

Trump continues to lead by a wide margin. The GOP leader is now leading by 11 percent against Haley.

On Tuesday, New Hampshire GOP members will choose their nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

The survey, which had a 3.7 percentage point margin of error, was performed among 705 registered Iowa voters who intended to attend the Republican caucuses between January 7 and 12.

A survey by Edison Research reflects a similar outcome, where 65 percent of Iowa voters think Trump is still fit to be president if he were convicted of a crime.

Even Haley’s supporter New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu pledged to vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee, even if he is found guilty of a felony.

“I think most of us are all going to support the Republican nominee – there’s no question,” Sununu remarked in an interview with CNN.

In the face of a series of criminal trials, the GOP leader managed to use these as fire to reignite the MAGA movement.

According to a Reuters/IPSOS poll last December 2023, only 31 percent of GOPers would not vote for the former President if he was convicted before Election Day 2024.

Trump is facing 91 felony charges in four criminal cases across various states in the US.

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