Hollywood Icon Abhors Black History Month

Common sense is rare in liberal-filled Hollywood, so when someone makes a sensible remark, they stand out.

Woke Democrats have sensationalized issues of race and so-called diversity to create division among American people, insinuating that one race oppresses the other. The truth? Liberal idiots are using these issues to manipulate blacks and push for their own interests.

One Hollywood icon is intelligent enough to see this, as he has long railed against Democrat-imposed ‘Black History Month.’

Oscar-award-winning actor Morgan Freeman blasted the annual event during an interview with Variety’s Marta Balaga.

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For Freeman, the idea of commemorating the event makes his ‘teeth itch.’

“I detest it. The mere idea of it. You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history?! This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right.”

Freeman asserted, “My history is American history.”

“It’s the one thing in this world I am interested in, beyond making money, having a good time, and getting enough sleep.”

Last year, the actor thundered at the idea and term ‘African-American’ as an ‘insult.’

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“Two things I can say publicly that I do not like. Black History Month is an insult. You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” Freeman said in an interview with The Sunday Times’s Culture magazine.

“Also, ‘African-American’ is an insult. I don’t subscribe to that title. Black people have had different titles all the way back to the n-word and I do not know how these things get such a grip, but everyone uses ‘African-American’.”

The Million Dollar Baby star added, “What does it really mean? Most Black people in this part of the world are mongrels. And you say Africa as if it’s a country when it’s a continent, like Europe.”

Almost two decades ago, the award-winning actor had already made his statement on the issue, as he emphasized that there’s no such thing as ‘Black History Month’ because ‘Black history is American history.”

“Stop talking about it. I am going to stop calling you a white man, and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man,” Freeman said

He also echoed Denzel Washington’s statement on being black in Hollywood.

Washington once remarked, “I’m very proud to be black, but black is not all I am. That’s my cultural historical background, my genetic makeup, but it’s not all of who I am, nor is it the basis from which I answer every question.”

Freeman said, “Yes, exactly. I’m in total agreement. You can’t define me that way.”

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