GOP House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Announces The Defunding Of Any Government Agency That Interferes In Trump’s Presidential Elections

Credits: The Hill

Republican House Judiciary Chairman from Ohio, Jim Jordan has been seen protecting Donald Trump and threatening to to stop the funding of any government agencies that try to interfere in the elections. 

In an interview with Fox News, Jordan called out government agencies that are targeting Trump politically before the upcoming 2024 presidential race. 

Jordan stated:

“The key is to get the facts on the table. We’re doing that with all kinds of issues where we think agencies have been turned against the very American people they’re supposed to serve. So you get the facts on the table, and then you look at legislation. Our job is we’re legislators. Our job is to pass legislation, write laws and pass legislation. So we’ll look at that. We control the power of the purse, and that’s — we’re going to have to look at the appropriations process and limit funds going to some of these agencies, particularly the ones engaged in the most egregious behavior.” 

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo questioned: 

“So the DOJ and the FBI?”

While arguing that the government should not get involved in the election process, Jordan replied

“Yeah. And what I’d really like, frankly, I’d like for the government just to stay out of the election process. 2016, they spied on his campaign. 2018, the Mueller investigation. 2020 they suppressed the hunter Biden story. 2022, they raid his home 91 days before an election, and now 2024 election, the leading candidate for the presidential nomination, they indict the former president and top candidate who’s leading in every poll.” 

Jordan also insisted that it’s the right of the Americans to decide who they want to elect.

He claimed: 

“Just let ‘We, The People’ decide who we want to elect and stay out of the election process, for goodness sake.”

Jordan highlighted that this whole fiasco is actually bigger than Donald Trump. He criticized the government agencies for political witch-hunt against conservatives.

He stated: 

“This involves all of us. I don’t think it’s an accident that the same week we learned that the IRS knocked on Matt Taibbi’s door while he was testifying in Congress. That same week is when we learned a district attorney, a left-wing district attorney, a Soros-backed district attorney is going to go after the former President of the United States.”

Jordan grilled the government agencies for using their power to suppress Donald Trump and individuals who don’t agree with the leftist woke agenda. 

He concluded:

“I mean, that is a scary thing, that they paid a foreigner. Think about this. They paid a foreigner to put together a fake dossier to spy on President Trump’s campaign. The FTC sends letters to Twitter demanding who are the journalists you’re talking to. And then, of course, when Matt Taibbi is testifying, the IRS is knocking on his door, and now an indictment of a former president, the guy who happens to be leading in every single poll. This is about all of us. This is about going after anyone who opposes the left’s agenda, the establishment’s agenda. And that’s maybe the scariest thing of all.”

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