GAME ON! Trump Will Take Drug Test if Biden Does

What’s he got to lose? Since last year, crooked Joe has been challenged to prove his mental acuity with his growing signs of instability. However, the tyrant democrats in the White House resorted to political attacks instead of resolving the unrest.

During the SOTU, Biden came out surprising everyone, not because of his performance but because he was yelling at the podium.

With the first presidential debate coming, creepy Joe is now holed down in Camp David under the guise of preparing for their first match-up.

The truth? Biden is getting jacked up.

Former president Donald Trump double dared on Monday that he’s willing to do a drug test if Biden would. In his post on Truth Social on Monday, Trump wrote: “DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN??? I WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!!”

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For many this could be a “common-sensical statement” said The Raging Patriot’s co-founder, Nicholas Pagnotta.

He further pointed “considering how Biden is a walking corpse, yet was unusually loud, angry, and agitated at the State of the Union, but of course, liberals will call this a ridiculous statement and defend kid-sniffing Joe.”

Whatever the stupid Democrats will say, Trump and the people know well that Biden would come out fully medicated during the scheduled debate.

The Raging Patriot’s co-founder also lauded Trump for his statement.

“Regardless, this is a great political strategy from Donald Trump, not just because we all know Dictator Joe will be on drugs (remember the cocaine found at the White House?), but because if you set the bar so low for Biden and underestimate him, if he shows up and doesn’t fall down the media will celebrate it as a massive win.”

Video by The Raging Patriot.

“Therefore, it’s better to set the bar higher for the daughter-showering POS rather than set it lower.”

One Trump ally exclaimed, “There is no universe in which [Biden’s] not being medicated before the debate. If he wants to dispel that, he should offer to take a drug test, but we all know he won’t do that.”

“I think it’s a fair question worth asking.”

“If Biden wants to prove otherwise, why didn’t he commit to a drug test?”

Trump had earlier raised the suggestion during an interview with reporter Hugh Hewitt. He quipped, “I want to debate, and I think debates, with him, at least, should be drug tested. I want a drug test.”

During a GOP dinner in Minnesota, Trump told allies that he would “demand a drug test” before the debate, citing the SOTU incident.

The former president described Biden that day “as high as a kite.”

However, Trump showed no signs of backing out on the debate if Crooked Joe won’t take a drug test, but doubled down on his claim that his opponent will get performance-enhancing drugs.

Right now, Crooked Joe has gone to a log cabin to ‘study,’ ” Trump told supporters, referencing Camp David, during his campaign rally in Philadelphia.

He’s sleeping now because they want to get him good and strong. So a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass,” Trump said, adding: “He’ll come out all jacked up, right?”

Former White House doctor Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) remarked on Fox News last week, “I’m gonna be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs.” 

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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