EXPOSED: Biden Regime, CIA Conspired to Undermine Hunter’s Laptop Story

How much would the Democrats lie to cover up their crimes? The corrupt Biden regime had to involve the CIA to discredit reports on Hunter’s laptop and its contents.

A recent investigation published by the House Judiciary Committee found that these top spies, who were supposedly concerned with protecting the integrity of the country, colluded with creepy Joe to bury Hunter’s emails contained in his laptop from hell.

Vile liberals mobilized all their forces, including the media, to bury and undermine the laptop. They even vilified news outlets who exposed this.

Video by Nicholas Pagnotta. Click the button below to follow him on Rumble!

However, after the election period, Hunter admitted that the equipment was indeed his.

These spies lied to the American people, and the least they could do was admit the crime and apologize.

They lied. These 51 ‘former’ intelligence officials who signed the public letter knew that.

They even claimed that the contents of Hunter’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” in a desperate attempt to salvage Biden’s election campaign.

According to the House Judiciary Committee, high-ranking officials, including then-CIA Director Gina Haspel, knew of the Hunter Biden letter and approved its publication.

CIA’s Chief Operating Officer Andrew Marikdis said under oath that he had informed Haspel and CIA’s Deputy Director Vaughn Frederick Bishop, meaning the senior CIA leadership could have checked the statement that was written there was true.

The signatories claimed they had no access to classified information. However, the committee found that some of the signatories had an active contract with the CIA, including Michael Morell and former CIA Inspector General David Buckley. This exposé revealed that these officials might have abused their position to bypass approval and had used our money to spread disinformation.

“We knew that the rushed statement from the 51 former intelligence officials was a political maneuver between the Biden campaign and the intelligence community. Now with this interim report, we reveal how officials at the highest levels of the CIA were aware of the statement and CIA employees knew that several of the so-called former officials were on active contract with the CIA. The report underscores the risks posed by a weaponized federal government,” said Chairman Jim Jordan.

Video by The Raging Patriot.

Morrell was the one who drafted the letter after a conversation with now-Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Then-CIA contractor claimed that he did it to give Biden a “talking point” to counter Trump’s ‘attack’ using the laptop.

The interim report published by the House committee noted that officials within the CIA acknowledged that the letter was “political” and that it “would hurt the Agency.”

“The signatories’ decision to leverage their former intelligence community titles to promote a narrative about foreign election interference improperly embroiled the Agency in domestic politics. This report underscores the potential dangers of a politicized intelligence community,” the report states.

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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  1. Frank B. Anderson June 26, 2024

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