Dr. Ben Carson on Biden’s Mental Decline: “Puts the Nation in Danger”

The United States could be amid a terror attack, and Crooked Joe could not care less; trust us. The 81-year-old mentally ill president could not even pronounce or form words, yet he attempted to run for reelection this November. Imagine another four years under his weak leadership; America will surely be beyond saving.

Dr. Ben Carson lamented how President Joe Biden’s significant cognitive issues are so apparent that you do not need to be a brain surgeon to notice them.

Video by Nicholas Pagnotta. Click the button below to follow him on Rumble!

Carson, who was Trump’s secretary for urban development in 2016, told Newsmax how disturbing it was to watch Biden dragged out in public despite the obvious decline of his mental acuity.

“We know the people around him know it; we know his family knows,” said the former presidential candidate in 2016. Carson is among the names eyed to be Trump’s running mate in November.

“His wife knows it, and yet they still push him forward, recognizing the danger that it puts us in as a nation.”

The former urban development head also pressed how Biden acts as commander-in-chief, with the nuclear codes and military within his reach.

“He’s in charge of the safety of our population. Really? I mean, would you even want this guy driving the school bus that your child was on? This is a serious issue,” quipped an outraged Carson.

“Anyone who would put the danger of our nation on the back burner and put their political fortunes on the front burner is not your friend,” Carson said.

“It’s not somebody that you want to get behind.”

Video by The Raging Patriot.

Carson’s remarks were a reiteration of former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas).

Last week, Jackson also blasted that one doesn’t have to be a doctor to see that Creepy Joe is sick.

“Well, I think… you don’t have to be a physician anymore,” he quipped.

“There’s not little subtle clues, you know, that I’m picking up as a physician and somebody who was at the White House for 14 years and worked for three different presidents, and I’m picking up on some, you know, a little issue that nobody else can see,” Jackson noted and emphasized that “everyone knows what this is.”

The lawmaker asserted that Biden is going through some “serious cognitive issues related to his age, not allowing him to function.”

“Everyone has had a relative that’s gone through this, and everyone you talk to is like, I know exactly what that is. I had an aunt and uncle, a grandparent who went through this process. You know, that’s Alzheimer’s. That’s dementia of some sort. That’s Parkinson’s. That’s multi-infarct dementia,” he said.

The former White House doctor said that Biden is “not fit to be president.”

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

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  1. Vickey McVay June 20, 2024

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