BURIED THE HATCHET: Florida Governor to Raise Funds for Trump’s 2024 Campaign

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis does what every Republican member should be doing: giving his all-out support to former President Donald Trump.

News outlets report that Governor DeSantis is now gearing up to hold fundraising events for the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party.

DeSantis was one of Trump’s fiercest rivals during the primaries but concluded his campaign in January; the governor is now calling on possible funders, including his financial team, as he intends to hold a tour around Florida and Texas for the former president.

Ron Bailey, former co-chair of the DeSantis campaign’s national finance committee, shared that the governor has expressed his utmost “commitment to the president, and that’s why I say we’ll follow his lead, and why I think donors will follow his lead.”

Bailey continued, “We will be focused on past DeSantis donors who have yet to donate to President Trump. We’re going to try to mine those donors for him. That will create a lot of value.”

DeSantis’ spokesperson, Taryn Fenske, confirmed Bailey’s statement in a text message, “We are actively working on plans to fundraise in support of President Trump, as well as other Republicans up and down the ballot.”

Last month, the two GOP leaders reportedly had buried the hatchet after a tormenting primary contest as both contenders previously hurled criticisms at each other.

Their meeting lasted three hours, where they discussed possible fundraising efforts. The source, who refused to be named, added that they concluded the day by shaking hands with the governor agreeing to help the former president as he faces Joe Biden again in the general election. 

According to the article in the Washington Post, Florida real estate investor Steve Witkoff arranged the meeting at his Shell Bay Club in Hollywood, Florida.

Trump confirmed this on Truth Social, where he wrote that he had a “great meeting yesterday,” and that he was “very happy to have the full and enthusiastic support of Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida.”

He further said, “The conversation mostly concerned how we would work closely together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Also discussed was the future of Florida, which is FANTASTIC!” 

Trump thanked DeSantis for his support and said, “I greatly appreciate Ron’s support in taking back our Country from the Worst President in the History of the United States.”

DeSantis was able to establish a network of donors through his runs for governor and presidency. Last year, in his attempt to clinch the GOP nomination, he amassed $130 million. 

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