Breaking: CNN Director Exposed In Secret Video Admitting Climate Change Will Be The ”Next Pandemic”, ”A Pandemic-Like Story…”

The Daily Mail

Disclaimer: This article may contain the personal views and opinions of the author.

A CNN director was caught on a hidden camera talking about how “climate change” will be the network’s “next pandemic”.

In his words, “fear sells.”

According to Charlie Chester, a CNN technical director the public is no longer scared of COVID-19, so they need a story with “longevity.”

Project Veritas released a three-part series in 2021 exposing Charlie Chester admitting that CNN was just “making up stories” to get Donald Trump out of office.

According to Project Veritas, the secret recordings were made while Chester was on Tinder dates with an undercover Project Veritas journalist.

When asked to define propaganda he said, “For example, you can shape the perception of an entire people about anything, depending on how you do it. Just forcing a story to help your platform, you know?”

“A pandemic-like story that we will beat to death, but that has longevity, you know what I mean? As if it were a definitive end to the pandemic. It will reduce to a point where it is not a problem. Climate change will take years, so [CNN] will be able to promote that quite a bit.”

He also talked to the undercover journalist about how they influenced the public’s perception of Biden.

“We would always show shots of him [Biden] jogging and that [he’s] healthy, you know, and him in aviator shades. Like you paint him as a young geriatric.”

He also said he would be fine if Biden died because he thought Vice President Kamala Harris was “f—ing real.”

Chester just voiced the part that elites and media don’t want everyone to know. They will manufacture a crisis or belabor its points to instill fear in people. 

There is actually a growing trend of people with “eco-anxiety” and the media is preying upon that.

According to the American Psychology Association (APA), they describe eco-anxiety is “the chronic fear of environmental cataclysm that comes from observing the seemingly irrevocable impact of climate change and the associated concern for one’s future and that of next generations”.

CNN and the like are taking full advantage of people’s fears.

The Hill reported:

The Pew Research Center poll of more than 18,800 adults in 17 advanced economies found that 72 percent of people are very or somewhat concerned that global climate change will harm them personally at some point in their lives, with about 30 percent saying they are not too or not at all concerned. 

The large survey, conducted in the spring before wildfires, record drought, and other climate catastrophes struck the U.S., also shows a whopping 80 percent of respondents said they would be willing to make a lot or some changes to how they live and work to help avoid the worst consequences of climate change. 

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