Adam Carolla Calls Newsom a ‘Sociopath’ and ‘Slippery Eel of Nothingness’ as He Leaves ‘Horrible’ California

Why is it that anything the communist Democrats touch, they destroy? In exchange for woke crap, blue states allowed lawlessness, drugs, and crime in their areas. Their governors were busy with DEI sh*t rather than addressing the actual concerns of the people, such as inflation, homelessness, drugs, violence, unemployment, and poverty.

Take a look at Gavin Newsom’s California. Every day, there are hundreds of California’s residents ditching the filthy Golden State because the Democrats wreaked havoc in their communities.

Adam Carolla was among the latest to bid goodbye to Newsom’s state, and he has a perfect description for the governor.

Video by Nicholas Pagnotta.
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Carolla, a comedian and podcast host, remarked that he’d join the rest of the American people exiting California.

During an interview with “The Sage Steele’s Show” on Wednesday, the host asked Carolla how he could still live in Los Angeles, and the podcaster quickly retorted, “It’s horrible.”

The comedian shared that he grew up in L.A. and that the city was the foundation for his acts, but Carolla believes it’s “time to move” this time.

“I have twins, and they’re in their senior year of high school and I couldn’t- I didn’t want to pick up and, you know, tear up their roots, you know? So people always go, ‘When are you leaving?’ And I go, I will be attending their high school graduation in a U-Haul,” Carolla quipped. 

The comedian shared that he desperately feels the need to go out of California. He added that this was really sad on his part as he sees everybody growing old in the city and not leaving. He said, “You’d be a fool to leave, you know. And the notion of moving out of L.A. and going to like one of the Carolinas or Nashville… You watch the beginning of ‘The Beverly Hillbillies,’ they lived over here and then they came to where we are, and I was already there.”

“Moving to a place like Wyoming or something would have been unfathomable, unheard of.”

He also shared with Steele that he is considering Texas, Florida, the Carolinas, and Tennessee as places he considers moving into.

The comedian then tore into the problems California is facing today, calling it “self-imposed” and “super avoidable,” but the Golden State never “pumped the brakes.”

He also commented on the 2021 campaign to oust Newsom, but Californians “vote him right back,” which was followed by the victory of Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, not because she’s right for the job, but because she’s a “woman of color,” compared to her rival who has proven his competency but was rejected because he was “old”,” white” and “rich.”

“We get what we deserve, and we deserve it,” Carolla quipped.

He also railed at Newsom, whom he described as a “narcissistic douchebag” and a “slippery eel of nothingness.”

“He says nothing. He says nothing.”

“He’s a sociopathic, narcissistic, empty bag. And we vote for this guy. He says nothing,” Carolla lamented.

Donald Trump sacrificed a life of luxury to be convicted in a fake trial, with a rigged jury, a communist judge, a communist DA, a communist state AG, a Communist Governor, a communist DOJ, and a dictator living in the White House.

Now is the time to stand strong and support Donald Trump. Any form or amount of support counts! Send in your donations via the button below.

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